YouHodler Launches New Campaign to “Make ETH Strong Again”

By 5 years ago

YouHodler has a growing list of cryptocurrencies listed on it’s FinTech platform that includes, BTC, ETH, XRP, XLM, LTC, BCH, DASH and much more. For a limited time, the company is focusing its efforts on one, seemingly forgotten crypto. Ethereum (ETH).

Despite what the reports say about altcoins, YouHodler still firmly believes in ETH due to its 

  • large and loyal community,
  • the massive potential behind Ethereum smart contracts
  • it’s hyper-talented founder, Vitalik Buterin.

With this in mind, YouHodler is launching a new, aggressive campaign that aims to “make ETH strong again.”

No fees to buy ETH on YouHodler; 50% discount on ETH-backed loans and more 

YouHodler has five attractive initiatives to revive ETH support and hopefully, bring it back to its place as the original BTC challenger. Starting now, YouHodler will offer the following five features to all platform users:

  1. No commission to buy ETH on YouHodler (available now)
  2. Special ETH loan plan with the loan to value ratio (LTV) of 90% (coming soon)
  3. “ETH Turbo 10” allows users to take up to 10 automated ETH “Turbo Loans” (coming soon)
  4. 50% discount on all ETH backed loans on YouHodler (coming late September)
  5. ETH Savings Account with 12% annual interest (coming October)

On the topic, YouHodler CEO Ilya Volkov states”

“We are happy to announce this limited time offer for all ETH Hodlers and traders on our platform. We truly believe in the power and potential of Ethereum and Vitalik Buterin. Everything from Ethereum smart contracts to dApp development is a huge inspiration to our team and with these promotions in place, hope to ignite an Ethereum rally and make ETH strong again.

Adrian Mathieu

Adrian is a senior crypto analyst who loves to combine analytics with creative writing. He has written numerous informative articles that various global media organizations have referenced. He has the winning combination, a degree in Journalism, and a passion for crypto. His hobbies include collecting NFTs, playing soccer, and meditating. Adrian firmly believes that meditation is the key to staying sane and focused in the ever-changing and demanding crypto environment.